Rights Respecting Ambassadors

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School.


At Osmani, we are extremely proud to have achieved the Gold accreditation as part of the Rights Respecting Schools Award. A Rights Respecting ethos is at the heart of everything we do at Osmani, helping us to ‘fulfil our potential and reach for the stars’. The award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve well-being and help all children ‘reach for the stars’.

You can read about what our assessor thought of our RRSA work in Summer 2019:


Level 1/Silver Report

Level 2/Gold Accreditation Report

Level 2/Gold Reaccreditation Report


Where do the Rights come from?

On the 20th November 1989, world leaders came together and made a comprehensive set of promises to every child on earth, to ensure that they grow up in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international statement of all of those promises. UNICEF protects and promotes those rights.

These rights try to make sure that every child is healthy, receives an education, is treated fairly and is always listened to. They also make sure that all children are safe and protected from violence, abuse and exploitation.

Have a closer look at The UNICEF Rights in Child Friendly Language – https://www.unicef.org/rightsite/files/uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf


Who are the Rights Respecting Ambassadors?

The Osmani School Rights Respecting Ambassadors are a representative group of pupils elected by their peers to represent their views and raise issues concerning them. The group is made up of two representatives (a boy and a girl) from each class from year 2 to year 6 including pupils with SEND. Rights Respecting Ambassadors bring the views expressed in class to council meetings. During these sessions, ambassadors discuss areas that are going well within the school, areas for improvement and make requests on behalf of their peers. These views are then fed back to the school’s senior leadership team, teachers and pupils.


What are the aims of the Rights Respecting Ambassadors?

The Rights Respecting Ambassadors through Our Rights, hope to help children to:


Click here to see our Rights Respecting Schools Leaflet designed by the Rights Respecting Ambassadors.

Click here to view the Pupil Parliament Emerging Priorities.


Charity of the Year

The Rights Respecting Ambassadors have chosen the Children's Heart Federation as the charity of the year.


Rights Respecting Meetings:

Meetings are held weekly on Fridays from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. Topics covered last year have included health and safety, trips and visits, lunchtime issues and the curriculum. 


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